Did Vikings Have Dreadlocks Or Braids?

When you think of the Vikings, what do you see? Beards? Brown hair? Maybe braids or dreadlocks. But what about their hairstyle? Did the Vikings have dreadlocks or braids like we do today?

Historians aren’t sure, but some hints suggest they may have had similar hairstyles. For example, in a poem called Hyndluljóð, which is from the late 10th century, a Viking warrior is described as having long hair and a “tight braid.”

So it seems the Vikings may have had similar hairstyles to us today. But whether or not they did have dreadlocks or braids is still up for debate. So if you want to know for sure, you’ll need to consult with your history teacher!

Did Vikings Have Dreadlocks Or Braids?

Dreadlocks and braids were not exclusive to the Viking era. Warriors and other men throughout history wore them. However, there is evidence that the Vikings may have worn them more than others.

Did Vikings Have Dreadlocks Or Braids?
Did Vikings Have Dreadlocks Or Braids?

Many drawings and paintings from this time period depict Norsemen with dreadlocks or braids. Additionally, archaeological findings suggest that these hairstyles were popular among Vikings.

Some scholars believe that the Viking warriors used dreadlocks and braids to symbolize power and unity. This was especially true during battles when they could be used to identify one another.

Others believe that these hairstyles were simply fashionable at the time and did not have any special meaning. However, there is still much debate surrounding this topic.

Did Celts and Vikings Have Dreadlocks

There is no one answer to this question, as the Celts and Vikings may have had different hairstyles. However, there is evidence that both cultures may have worn dreadlocks or braids.

One theory says that the Celts might have worn dreadlocks because characters in Celtic mythology have wild hair. The mythical character Cernunnos is usually shown with long hair, which could be seen as a sign of power.

Similarly, the Viking culture was known for its warrior ethos and seafaring activities. As such, it is possible that the Vikings wore braids to keep their hair out of their eyes while on board the ship. This would also help to protect against sea conditions and cold weather.

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Did Vikings Have Dreadlocks or Braids

Dreadlocks and braids were popular hairstyles in the Viking age. Some evidence suggests that Vikings may have worn dreadlocks or braids as part of their religious ceremonies. However, there is no definitive answer as to whether or not the Vikings wore these hairstyles.

Who Had Dread First: Celts or Vikings?

For centuries, experts have debated who had dreadlocks or braids first. Some believe that the Celts were the first to wear these hairstyles, while others believe that the Vikings were the earliest adopters of this hairstyle. The truth may never be known, but one thing is certain-both cultures loved and adopted this unique hair care style.

What Were Vikings dreadlocks called?

Dreadlocks were traditionally worn by Viking men and women in the 9th century AD. Dreadlocks looked different in different parts of the world, but they were usually made of long, tightly packed hair held with a band or a knot at the base of the skull.

Did Vikings Have Dreadlocks Or Braids?
Did Vikings Have Dreadlocks Or Braids?

Vikings often adorned their locks with beads and ornaments; some believe they used them to protect against head injuries.

How To Make Viking Dreads?

Viking dreadlocks are a popular hairstyle typically associated with the Vikings and their culture. Dreadlocks are made by tightly binding hair around a small section of the scalp.

This creates a tight coil of hair that can be difficult to manage, so Viking dreads often require frequent re-braiding or twisting.

It’s not clear how common Viking dreadlocks were, but they’re reminiscent of the coiled locks worn by some ancient cultures, such as the Assyrians and Egyptians. Some scholars believe that Viking dreadlocks may have been symbolic of status or power.

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What Do I Need To Make Viking dreads?

There is some debate over how Viking men wore their hair, but there is no doubt that they were fierce warriors and proud of their locks. Some scholars believe that Vikings may have worn dreadlocks or braids, while others say that the Vikings did not have any specific hairstyle.

You will need the following:

  • A pair of sharp scissors (preferably ones made for cutting hair). These can be found at any beauty supply store or online. I personally use these and love them!
  • A rubber band. This is optional, but it helps keep the hair out of your face as you’re braiding and makes for an easier clean-up later!
  • Your dreads! The longer, the better! Start with about 6 inches of hair at least.
  • A comb, brush or pick to detangle your hair before braiding.

Did Dreads Originate From Vikings?

The origins of dreadlocks or braids are unknown, but it is speculated that they may have originated with the Vikings. The Vikings were nomadic people who traveled through Europe and North Africa. They were known for their fierce fighting skills and ability to wear armor and carry weapons.

One of the ways that the Vikings distinguished themselves from other cultures was through their hairstyles. Dreadlocks or braids were common among the Viking men, who often wore them long and straight down the back.

It is possible that these hairstyles evolved from the practice of wearing hair in braids or locks to protect against the cold weather conditions encountered during their travels.

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Did The Vikings Have Braids?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on the definition of “Viking.”

However, some general consensus points can be made about Viking hairstyles. First and foremost, Viking men typically wore long hair down their backs. This style was based on the traditional male hairstyle: short hair on top and a long beard.

Secondly, Viking women typically wore their hair in tight braids or dreadlocks.

Thirdly, although there is no historical evidence to support it, it is believed that Vikings may have worn braids or dreadlocks as part of their religious practices.


Did the Vikings have dreadlocks or braids? There is some debate on this topic, as no written records from Viking times specifically mention either hairstyle.

However, stylistic evidence suggests that both styles may have been popular among Viking men. Dreadlocks were seen as a symbol of strength and power, and braids were thought to protect the head and scalp from the elements.

Ultimately, it is up to interpretation whether either style was worn by all Vikings or just a select few.

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