How To Cover Up Bald Spots With Braids: 8 Easy Styles To Use

Balding can be a traumatic experience for anyone, regardless of gender. It not only affects our physical appearance, but it can also have a major impact on our self-confidence.

Fortunately, there are many creative ways to disguise bald spots that don’t involve wigs or surgery. Braiding is one of the most popular methods for covering up bald spots, as it can easily be done at home with minimal effort and doesn’t require any special products or tools.

In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of how to cover up a bald spot with braids and some tips to make the process easier.

How To Cover Up A Bald Spot With Braids

If you’re trying to cover up a bald spot with braids, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind.

  1. Consult a Professional: Before proceeding, consult a hairstylist or dermatologist to assess the cause of the bald spot and ensure that braiding is a suitable option.
  2. Hair Health: Make sure your existing hair is healthy enough for braiding. Weak or damaged hair can be further stressed by the weight of braids.
  3. Braid Size: Choose braid sizes that won’t cause additional tension on the bald spot. Smaller braids might be gentler in the area.
  4. Tension: Avoid tight braids that could exacerbate the issue. Tension on the scalp can worsen hair loss or damage.
  5. Maintenance: Consider your ability to maintain the braids and keep your scalp and hair hydrated during the duration.
  6. Hair Growth: If the bald spot is a result of ongoing hair loss, consider treatments or interventions to encourage hair regrowth before braiding.

Below are the steps you can follow to cover up a bald spot with braids:

Covering up a bald spot with braids can be a great way to conceal the area while enjoying a stylish and protective hairstyle. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to achieve this:

Preparing Your Hair

Start by washing and conditioning your hair to ensure it’s clean and hydrated before braiding. Apply a lightweight hair oil or leave-in conditioner to the bald spot area to provide moisture and prevent dryness.

Selecting the Right Braids

Choose the size and type of braids that are suitable for your hair and the size of the bald spot. Small to medium-sized braids are generally better for concealing bald spots as they distribute weight evenly.

Seek a Skilled Stylist

Working with a skilled stylist is crucial to ensuring that the braids are installed correctly and that the tension is appropriate for the bald spot area.

A professional stylist can create a pattern that strategically covers the bald spot while maintaining a natural look.

Gentle Braiding Technique

Request a gentle braiding technique that minimizes tension on the scalp. Loose or “knotless” braids are often preferred to reduce stress on the hair follicles.

Positioning the Braids

Discuss with your stylist how to position the braids to best cover the bald spot. They can create a layout that effectively conceals the area.

Avoid Additional Stress

Opt for hairstyles that do not pull too tightly on the braids or the surrounding hair. Avoid heavy accessories that could strain the area.

Scalp Care

Maintain a scalp care routine,, even with braids. Apply a lightweight scalp oil or serum to the bald spot area to keep it moisturized and healthy.

Regular Check-ins

Monitor the condition of your scalp and the area around the bald spot regularly. If you notice any issues or discomfort, address them promptly.

Gentle Braid Removal

When it’s time to remove the braids, do so gently to prevent additional hair loss or damage to the affected area. Allow your hair and scalp some time to rest before considering another braiding style.

It’s important to remember that while braids can offer a temporary solution to concealing a bald spot, they don’t address the underlying cause. If the bald spot is a result of hair loss, it’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist or trichologist to determine the cause and explore appropriate treatments. Prioritize the health of your scalp and hair, and maintain a careful balance between protective styling and maintaining the health of your hair and scalp.

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What Causes A Bald Spot?

There are many potential causes of bald spots, including:

  1. Alopecia Areata: Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, leading to sudden and often unpredictable hair loss. This condition can result in well-defined bald spots on the scalp or other areas of the body. In some cases, the hair may regrow on its own, but treatment options can help stimulate regrowth.
  2. Stress-Related Hair Loss: Intense physical or emotional stress can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, causing more hairs to enter the shedding phase. This condition, known as telogen effluvium, can result in diffuse hair thinning and the appearance of bald spots.
  3. Traction Alopecia: Traction alopecia occurs when constant tension is applied to hair follicles through tight hairstyles like braids, cornrows, or ponytails. Over time, this can weaken the hair shaft and lead to hair loss, especially around the hairline and areas where the tension is greatest.
  4. Certain Hairstyles and Manipulation: Repetitive styling practices that involve pulling the hair, using excessive heat, or subjecting it to chemical treatments can weaken hair strands and follicles. This can contribute to hair breakage and the formation of bald spots, particularly in areas prone to friction.
  5. Medical Conditions: Underlying medical conditions like thyroid disorders, lupus, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can disrupt hormonal balance and contribute to hair loss, including the development of bald spots.
  6. Nutritional Deficiencies: Inadequate intake of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and protein, can compromise hair health and lead to gradual hair thinning and bald patches.
  7. Medications and Treatments: Certain medications, including chemotherapy drugs, anticoagulants, and antithyroid medications, can cause temporary hair loss. This may manifest as diffuse thinning or the appearance of bald spots.
  8. Fungal Infections: Scalp infections like ringworm (tinea capitis) can cause inflammation, itching, and hair loss. Bald spots may develop as a result of the infection’s impact on hair follicles.
  9. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations due to events like pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause can influence hair growth cycles. Hormonal imbalances can lead to hair thinning and, in some cases, the development of bald spots.

It’s essential to approach the treatment and management of bald spots based on their underlying causes. If you’re experiencing hair loss or noticing bald spots, seeking guidance from a dermatologist or healthcare professional can help determine the cause and formulate an appropriate plan for addressing the issue.

Can A Bald Spot Grow Back?

Yes, in many cases, a bald spot can grow back with appropriate care and treatment. The ability of a bald spot to regrow hair depends on the underlying cause of hair loss. Here are some scenarios where a bald spot may grow back:

  1. Alopecia Areata: This autoimmune condition often leads to temporary hair loss in specific areas, resulting in bald spots. In many cases, hair can spontaneously regrow on its own, although it may take some time. Medical treatments, such as corticosteroid injections or topical medications, can also help stimulate hair regrowth in alopecia areata cases.
  2. Telogen Effluvium: Hair loss due to stress or other triggers can lead to bald spots. Once the underlying stressor is resolved, hair follicles can return to their normal growth phase, and hair regrowth can occur. This type of hair loss is often reversible.
  3. Traction Alopecia: If the hair loss is caused by tight hairstyles or excessive tension on the hair, changing to more gentle hairstyles and providing proper care can encourage hair regrowth in the affected area.
  4. Nutritional Deficiencies: Hair loss due to nutritional deficiencies can be addressed by improving your diet and ensuring you’re getting adequate vitamins and minerals. As your body receives the necessary nutrients, hair follicles may regain their strength and lead to regrowth.
  5. Underlying Medical Conditions: Treating the underlying medical condition, such as thyroid disorders or hormonal imbalances, can often result in hair regrowth.
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Can Braids Fix A Bald Spot?

Braids can help conceal a bald spot and promote hair regrowth under certain circumstances. However, it’s important to approach this approach with caution and consideration of the underlying cause of the bald spot. Here’s how braids can play a role:

  1. Concealing the Bald Spot: Braiding your hair, especially in protective styles like box braids or twists, can effectively cover a bald spot and provide a temporary cosmetic solution.
  2. Reduced Tension on the Hair: Opting for loose or “knotless” braids can minimize tension on the hair and scalp, reducing the risk of further damage to hair follicles.
  3. Protection from Manipulation: Wearing braids can shield the hair from excessive manipulation, reducing the likelihood of breakage and further hair loss.
  4. Promoting Hair Regrowth: Gentle braiding techniques and protective styling can create a suitable environment for hair regrowth by minimizing stress on the affected area.
  5. Scalp Health: Keeping the scalp moisturized and well-cared-for while wearing braids can support overall scalp health and potentially create a conducive environment for regrowth.

However, it’s crucial to remember that braids are not a guaranteed solution for regrowing hair. If the bald spot is due to underlying medical conditions, genetic factors, or severe hair loss, braids may not fully address the issue. In some cases, wearing braids too tightly or for extended periods can exacerbate hair loss by causing tension on hair follicles.

Before using braids as a solution, consider the following steps:

  1. Consult a Professional: Seek guidance from a hairstylist or dermatologist to assess the cause of the bald spot and determine if braids are a suitable option.
  2. Gentle Braiding: Choose a gentle braiding technique that minimizes tension on the scalp to avoid worsening the condition.
  3. Scalp Care: Maintain proper scalp care, including moisturizing and avoiding excessive pulling or tugging on the hair.
  4. Monitoring: Regularly monitor the condition of the bald spot and consult a professional if there are signs of worsening hair loss or discomfort.
  5. Address Underlying Causes: If the bald spot is due to a medical condition, work with a healthcare provider to address the root cause and explore appropriate treatment options.

Remember that individual responses to braids can vary, and it’s essential to prioritize scalp and hair health above aesthetics. If you’re considering using braids to address a bald spot, consult a professional for personalized advice and guidance.

7 Best Braids Hairstyles For Hiding Baldspots

1. Box Braids

Box braids are one of the most popular protective styles for hiding bald spots. These braids involve sectioning the hair into square or rectangular segments and braiding each section with extensions. Box braids provide full coverage to the scalp, effectively concealing any areas of thinning hair or bald spots.

You can customize the size, length, and color of the braids to match your preferences. To prevent additional stress on the scalp, consider opting for knotless box braids, which have a smoother and lighter feel compared to traditional box braids.

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2. Senegalese Twists

Senegalese twists are another excellent option for covering bald spots. These twists are created using two strands of hair and extensions. They are known for their smooth texture and can be worn in various lengths and sizes.

The twists offer a neat and polished look while providing full coverage to the scalp. Since the twists are lightweight, they can help alleviate tension on the scalp, reducing the risk of further damage.

3. Crochet Braids

Crochet braids involve attaching pre-braided extensions to your natural hair using a crochet hook. This technique covers the scalp and can effectively hide bald spots while offering a wide range of styling options.

The braids can be customized with different types of hair and textures, allowing you to achieve a natural look. They are versatile and can be worn in various styles, from curly to straight, depending on your preferences.

4. Faux Locs

Faux locs are a stylish option for concealing bald spots while embracing the appearance of traditional dreadlocks. These locs can be achieved using extensions and provide a protective style that covers the entire scalp.

Faux locs come in different thicknesses and lengths, allowing you to choose a style that suits your desired look. These braids not only help hide bald spots but also offer a trendy and unique aesthetic.

6. Havana Twists

Havana twists are larger in size compared to Senegalese twists and offer a distinctive texture. They are created using the two-strand twist method and are known for their chunkier appearance.

The twists provide excellent coverage for the scalp and can effectively conceal bald spots. They can be worn in various lengths and sizes, making them a versatile option for different hair preferences.

7. Feed-In Braids

Feed-in braids involve gradually adding hair to the braid as it progresses, creating a natural and lightweight appearance. This technique allows for a seamless blend between your natural hair and the extensions.

They can be strategically placed to cover specific areas of thinning hair or bald spots. The gradual addition of hair minimizes tension on the scalp, making this style a comfortable and protective choice.

8. Cornrows with Extensions

Cornrows are a classic braiding style that can be enhanced by adding extensions for added length and fullness. When combined with extensions, cornrows provide a way to strategically cover bald spots and achieve a stylish look.

Depending on your preferences, you can choose smaller sections for intricate designs or larger sections for a simpler appearance. Cornrows with extensions offer a versatile option for concealing bald spots while maintaining a polished appearance.

When choosing any of these braided hairstyles to conceal bald spots, it’s important to prioritize the health of your scalp and hair. Ensure that the braids are not too tight, as excessive tension can lead to further hair loss.

Additionally, maintain proper scalp hygiene and moisturize regularly to promote a healthy environment for hair regrowth. Consulting a professional hairstylist who specializes in protective styles can help you achieve the desired look while safeguarding the health of your hair and scalp.


Bald spots can be a source of embarrassment and can make it difficult to find hairstyles that work for you. But with the help of braids, you can easily cover up any bald spot on your head.

Braiding your hair is an easy way to create a stylish look and offer some extra coverage for areas where you have thinning or receding hair. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to craft a beautiful hairstyle that will hide any embarrassing bald spots without sacrificing style or elegance.

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